Tuesday 27 August 2024

Drupal 8/9/10 Multisite Setup

 Create Drupal 10 fresh instance with composer command

Below composer command will download latest Drupal version.

composer create-project drupal/recommended-project d10multisite


Below composer command will download Drupal specific version.

composer create-project drupal/recommended-project:10.3.2 d10multisite

Create virtual hosts in xampp


<VirtualHost *:80>

  ServerName d10multisite.localhost

  ServerAlias www.d10multisite.localhost

  DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/d10multisite/web"

  <Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/d10multisite/web">

    Require all granted



<VirtualHost *:80>

  ServerName d10multisite-site1.localhost

  ServerAlias www.d10multisite-site1.localhost

  DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/d10multisite/web"

  <Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/d10multisite/web">

    Require all granted



<VirtualHost *:80>

  ServerName d10multisite-site2.localhost

  ServerAlias www.d10multisite-site2.localhost

  DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/d10multisite/web"

  <Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/d10multisite/web">

    Require all granted



Add below lines in hosts file

C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts d10multisite.localhost d10multisite-site1.localhost d10multisite-site2.localhost

cd sites/


cp example.sites.php sites.php

sites.php :- is a file where we are going to configure how many sites are there and mapped to which domain and mapped to which folder.

edit sites.php

go to the bottom of the file

  $sites["d10multisite.localhost"] = 'default';

  $sites["d10multisite-site1.localhost"] = 'site1';

  $sites["d10multisite-site2.localhost"] = 'site2';

every site is having different settings.php

cd default

    cp example.settings.php settings.php

cd site1

    cp default/default.settings.php site1/settings.php

cd site2

    cp default/default.settings.php site2/settings.php

every site is having different services.yml

// default

    cp default/default.services.yml default/services.yml

// site1

    cp default/default.services.yml site1/services.yml

// site2

    cp default/default.services.yml site2/services.yml

Restart xampp server

check in browser with below urls




Now install Drupal instances with standard profile installation.

Now I have to install module with composer, then run below command

    composer require drupal/devel

It will download module from Drupal.org

Now I have to enable this module on any specific site, run below drush command

drush en devel --uri="d10multisite.localhost"